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Greater Milwaukee’s Basement Waterproofing Expert

Everdry Waterproofing has been providing customers in Milwaukee, Waukesha, and surrounding areas with extraordinary basement waterproofing services for more than 30 years. Our personal approach is what sets us apart from the competition. We proudly offer free, no-obligation inspections, after which our trained experts will provide you with the knowledge you will need to make an informed decision about your home. Our lifetime, transferable basement waterproofing warranty will help your family feel safe and secure for years to come.

Everdry Provides Several Basement Waterproofing Options

Everdry Waterproofing’s patented basement waterproofing techniques are useful on foundations consisting of poured concrete, block, stone, brick, and red clay tile. Our methods can even be used to waterproof crawl spaces and slabs in your Milwaukee or Waukesha home. Everdry is an industry leader in research and development, having received multiple patents to provide the most current waterproofing solutions.

Our Three Leading Basement Waterproofing Solutions Include

Everdry’s Waterproofing Strategies Are Comprehensive

In addition to our patented basement waterproofing techniques that we can customize for your Wisconsin home, Everdry Waterproofing offers comprehensive strategies to protect against all water-related issues and safeguard your house. We are capable of repairing cracks in your walls or foundation that may lead to water seepage. Water seepage is the root cause of many basement-related problems. It can cause your foundation to crack or settle, or even collapse your home. Our team will repair your foundation by placing steel I-beams in your footer, improving the structural integrity of your house. Furthermore, we can install an E-Z Breathe System to ventilate your basement and protect against moisture, mold, and poor air quality.

Everdry’s Basement Air Ventilation System Can’t Be Beat

If you’ve noticed a musty odor or dampness on your basement’s walls, floors, or windows, perhaps it’s time you let Everdry install one of our basement air ventilation systems in your home. The E-Z Breathe basement ventilation system promotes a cleaner, healthier living environment by providing powerful ventilation from a quiet apparatus that fits comfortably in any room. You won’t have to worry about changing dehumidifier filters or emptying buckets of water with this maintenance-free basement ventilation system. It meets all recommendations made by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the American Lung Association to help you improve your indoor air quality and reduce the number of allergens in your home. The E-Z Breathe System can be used in your basement, crawl space, or garage – anywhere you want to protect your home from excess moisture or your family from harmful molds and toxins.

Everdry Waterproofing Is Proud to Serve Southeast Wisconsin

Everdry Waterproofing has been servicing Waukesha, Milwaukee and much of Southeast Wisconsin since 1989. We are your neighbors and are proud to help keep your home safe and dry. If you notice any mold, peeling paint, discoloration, or dampness in your basement, give us a call for a free inspection. You will have no obligation to take advantage of our industry-leading services. However, we will inform you about the condition of your home and provide recommendations for how to keep your house and family safe. Our Everdry basement services come with a lifetime, transferrable warranty, meaning we guarantee that your home will remain dry forever.

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VOTED #1 Basement/Foundation/Waterproofing Service Company

Ready to Get Started?

Contact Us Today to Schedule a No Pressure, No Obligation, Free Quote!